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Middle School


The faculty and staff of the BCA Middle School not only work to teach students standards-based academics, but also see to help students personalize their faith. Students are prepared for high school through rigorous academics. They are given the option to pursue an Algebra track, which has allowed previous students to test into geometry as a high school freshman. Teachers strive to teach students to master Ohio Academic Content Standards. However, students are also pushed beyond the

"base-line" and given the opportunity to excel in a variety of ways.


Various electives are offered to broaden the students'

educational experiences. Bible classes are student-centered

and not only teach Biblical principles, but also practical

applications of those principles. Students are challenged to

grow in their faith through an overview of books, inductive

Bible study tools, expository discussions, and apologetics.


At the beginning of each school year, all 6th-8th grade students
spend time together at Middle School Camp. The main focuses
of camp are team-building, leadership development, and
spiritual growth.


Just prior to graduation, 8th graders spend 4 days exploring our nation's capital. As part of the Washington, D.C. trip, students get to experience the monuments and museums. They learn about the history, architecture, and the role of God in the foundation of our country. Because of our Jean's Days fundraiser, the entire cost of the trip for students, including food, travel, lodging, t-shirts (basically everything) has never exceeded $75 since we started it 9 years ago!

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