Academic Excellence from a Biblical Perspective.

Parent Connect empowers parents to connect with God, family and school. We want to help you by providing resources and a safe space to explore and discuss parenting in today's
world. We work to provide information and opportunities to the parents of BCA students!
2022-2023 Schedule
BCA Summer Challenge 2023!
Pick one thing a week to do together as a family! You can eat a meal, get ice cream, watch a movie, sit outside, go for a walk, ANYTHING! I’m not going to count how many weeks there are in summer, but it’s a lot of opportunities to do something together! If you want to share it use #bcasummerchallenge23 to show off what you’re doing - or tag us or email us! We cannot wait to see what is happening!
This part is more of an everyday part! I want us as a BCA family to be in the Word of God TOGETHER! I’m including the link to a Bible reading plan. This is 40 days through the New Testament. Each day, we’ll read a few chapters and make it from Matthew to Revelation together over the summer! https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/867 If you follow this link, we can follow the same plan. We will start reading on June 5. If you use the YouVersion Bible App, look Mrs. Burnett (Natalie Burnett). We will have a group together there as well. Keep us posted and let us know how you are doing!
September 19 Steps for a Successful School Year - Jeremy & Natalie Burnett
Resources: Slides
October 17 Anxiety and Depression in Kids - Cara Rasor, LPC
Resources: Handouts Slides Video
November 17 Trauma in Kids - Ty Morgan, LISW-S
Resources: Slides Video
December Family Service Project - Reverse Advent Food Drive
January 19 Mama Bear Apologetics Book Study, 6:00-7:00PM
& Family Worship Night, 7:00-8:00PM
February 16 Discipling Kids - Pastor Edgar Santos
Resources: Handout Slides Video
March 20 Parenting with Personalities - Mary Meyer and Natalie Burnett
Resources: Handout 1 Handout 2 Video
May 23 FAMILY FUN NIGHT was amazing! We can't wait to do it again next year! Click here to see some pictures on our Facebook page.

Let us know if you'd like to buy a copy of the book for $15.
Join us for our Mama Bear Apologetics Book Discussions from 6:00-800PM. Not just for Mamas! Any adult in the life of a BCA student can benefit from these discussions!
January 19
Ch. 1 - Calling All Mama Bears - My kid has a cheerio shoved up his nose. Why am I reading this book?
Ch. 2 - How to Be a Mama Bear - Is this code for being the weirdest mom on the playground?
February 27
Ch. 3 - The Discerning Mama Bear - The refined art of "chew and spit".
Ch. 4 - Linguistic Theft - Redefining words to get your way and avoid reality.
Part 2: Lies You've Probably Heard but Didn't Know What They Were Called
Ch. 5 - God Helps Those Who Help Themselves - Self-Helpism
March 30
Ch. 6 - My Brain Is Trustworthy...According to My Brain - Naturalism
Ch. 7 - I'd Believe in God If There Were Any Shred of Evidence - Skepticism
Ch. 8 - The Truth Is, There Is No Truth - Postmodernism
April 24
Ch. 9 - You're Wrong to Tell Me I'm Wrong! - Moral Relativism
Ch. 10 - Follow Your Heart - It Never Lies! - Emotionalism
Ch. 11 - Just Worship Something - Pluralism
May 16
Ch. 13 - Communism Failed Because Nobody Did It Right! - Marxism
Ch. 14 - The Future Is Female - Feminism
Ch. 15 - Christianity Needs a Makeover - Progressive Christianity
Final Words of Encouragement
Ch. 16 - How to take all this information and go #RoarLikeAMother