Academic Excellence from a Biblical Perspective.
Art Department
A wide variety of techniques and subject matter give students a well-rounded art experience in Mrs. Hill’s art classes. Students are encouraged to think outside the box and express their individuality as they learn about diverse art theories, styles, and media. God’s creative design is the central inspiration for each lesson. With every stroke of a brush, students learn how to glorify the Lord through this Biblically integrated curriculum. Every year during the Spring Musical Performances, the Art Department hosts its Annual Art Show in the BCA gymnasium. We invite you to join us and view the fine assortment of work that our students will proudly present this year!
Art Objectives
Pre- K through 1st Grade:
Basic art concepts and further development of coordination/motor skills.
Development of art techniques in multiple types of media.
Explore and experiment with a variety of art materials and tools for self- expression.
Explore art elements to express ideas in a variety of visual forms (drawing, painting, and printmaking).
Identify visual art elements and principles using art vocabulary.
Recognize the similarities and differences between artistic styles.
Recognize that people have different viewpoints about works of art and learn to express their viewpoint.
4th and 5th Grade:
Basic drawing, painting, and printmaking techniques, color concepts, and perspective.
Demonstrate increasing skill in the use of art tools and materials.
Explore and experiment with three-dimensional techniques.
Continue to recognize and identify works of art and artist from different time periods in art.
Middle School:
Demonstrate increasing skill in the use of art tools, materials and techniques.
Explore and further develop skills in 3-dimensional techniques.
Recognize and identify works of art and artist from different periods in art.
Develop an art vocabulary the students can use to communicate emotions and ideas they would like to incorporate in their art.
Increase and develop use of art elements and principles of art.

2nd and 3rd Grade:
Development of art techniques in multiple types of media.
Connect various art forms and artistic styles to their cultural traditions.
Demonstrate increasing skill in the use of art tools and materials.
Identify, select and use art elements and principles to express emotions and produce a variety of visual effects.
Recognize and identify works of art and artists from different periods in art history.