Academic Excellence from a Biblical Perspective.
School Board Info

Dan Lund?
Pastor Dan ...

Keith Faust
After being discharged from the U S Navy I worked as a Buyer for an Electric Motor Repair company and attended college in the evening. After graduating from college with an Electrical & Electronics Engineering degree I began working for Arthur G. McKee a large international Engineering/Construction company.At McKee I was a Sr. Purchasing Agent buying instrumentation and electrical item for construction projects around the world, Oil Refineries, Steal Mills, Chemical Plants, and Pharmaceutical Plants.I then entered employment with the U S Postal Service (35yrs) in the Buildings Management EngineeringDepartment Retrofitting Post Office buildings with roofs, new automated processing equipment, expansions to exist facilities and erecting new facilities. Returning to college to study Business and receiving a degree in Business Administration. I was promoted to Manager of Information Systems in the state of Ohio where among other thinks I engineered and supervised the installation of the first fiber-optics network in the city of Cleveland.I then transferred to the Finance Department as a Budget & Financial Analyst for the Cleveland District, then being moving to Manager of the Budget Office. I have been retired for the last 10 yrs. I have worked on BCA’s School Board for the last 18 or 19 yrs.

Mr. Kinsch...
John Kinsch

Mrs. Lappin ...
Diane Lappin

Mr. Burnside ...
David Burnside