Academic Excellence from a Biblical Perspective.
Bethel Christian Academy offers the choice of full or half-day Kindergarten experience. Academics are taught in the morning. The curriculum is based on the complete development of the five and six year old taking into account growth, maturity, emotions, spirituality, intellect and the child's physical needs. The day is full of activity as we alternate between work and play. We enjoy going to music, computer lab, art class, the science lab, gym class, library and chapel.
Our Bible curriculum is designed by Association of Christian Schools International. Students learn about God and how He relates to them and the world around them. We invite Jesus into every area of our day, and have a weekly memory verse that is taught along with sign language to help with memorization. Students study many favorite Bible stories and how they can apply them to their lives. We work on Christian character traits all year as well. We are scheduled to create, learn, and perform a chapel program of our very own.
The curriculum at Bethel Christian Academy is geared toward helping the students incorporate math into their everyday life. Kindergarten students start off the year with numbers to 20, the penny, writing 1-10, addition and telling time to the hour. Students then progress to subtraction, skip counting by 2's, 5's, & 10's, finishing out the year with all coin values and numbers up to 100. The children will also be able to tell time at 5 minutes intervals. Students end the year by having a Lemonade stand where we estimate, measure, work in teams and count the profits. The money earned is used for outreach projects for our community.
Science class is also taught from a Christian viewpoint with ABeka publications. Children love to explore and figure things out for themselves. Our workbooks explore how God made us special, weather, seasons, animals, insects and the seashore. Kindergarten students enjoy using the Smartboard and the science lab each week. Our favorite science experiments are, using our 5
senses, thermometers, insect discovery, and watching caterpillars and tadpoles change in the springtime.
Social Studies
The curriculum at Bethel Christian Academy is designed to help students learn about children in different cultures. Students first study the are around us. Where do we live? Who works and helps in our communities? We supplement our fall curriculum with a trip to a local farm to understand more about community helpers.
Students then move into learning about children in other cultures and learn what is different and what is the same about us. This coincides with Missions' month when we then pray for the children in these countries. Kindergarten students put together shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse to have an outreach to these children we are learning about.
The year is closed out with a field trip to the Children's Museum of Cleveland where we learn about our communities and play together in learning displays.
Language Arts
READING: Our reading program is a phonics based system where we learn letter sounds and blend them together. We start reading groups in January and read through together in a small group setting.
SPELLING / VOCABULARY: Using our phonics based program we write out 100 words before the 100th day of school. We recognize several sight words and we have three spelling tests towards the end of the year to get the children ready for the 1st grade.
LANGUAGE: Our language program is enhanced by our spelling, phonics and reading classes. We further learn how to write sentences, copy them from the board and make up stories of our own.
Students are given experiences to create projects in programs of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and Publisher. These projects are related to classroom subject matter and are learned step by step in our computer lab. It gives students a wonderful opportunity to gain computer experience and apply to technology to their knowledge.